Kamis, 16 Juni 2016

Makalah Softskill "Industrialisasi Indonesia"


KELAS                             : 1EB23
KELOMPOK                     : 2

1.    INDRI ASTUTI                           (23215366)
2.    JUWANYAR PUTRI I.               (23215642)
3.    USWATUN HASANAH             (26215988)



1.1 Concept and Objectives Industrialization
Industrialization is a process of interaction between technological development, innovation, specialization and world trade to increase incomes by encouraging changes in the economic structure. Industrialization is one of the long-term strategy to ensure economic growth. Only a few countries with a low population and abundant natural resources such as Kuwait and Libya wanted to achieve a high income without industrialization.
In the history of economic development, industrialization concept originated from the first industrial revolution in the mid 18th century in England with the invention of a new method for spinning and weaving cotton that creates specialized in production and increased productivity of the factors of production used. Afterwards, innovation and new discoveries in the processing of iron and steam engines that drive innovation in the manufacture, among others, steel, railways and steam ships.
The second industrial revolution was the late 18th and early 19th century with various technological developments and innovations helped pace of industrialization. After WWII emerging new technologies such as mass production using assembly line, electricity, motor vehicles, synthetic stuff invention and revolution of communication technology, electronics, bio, computer and use of robots.

1.2 Factors Driving Industrialization
The driving factor in industrialization include:
1. The ability of technology and innovation
2. The rate of growth of national income per capita
3. The conditions and the initial structure of the domestic economy.

Countries that initially has an industrial base / primer / upstream such as steel, cement, chemical, and industry, such as machine tool production will experience faster industrialization process. DN large market share which is determined by the level of income and population. Indonesia with 200 million people led to the growth of economic activity
Feature industrialization is the way the implementation of industrialization such as the implementation phase, the type of seed industry and incentives provided. The existence of SDA. Countries with large natural resources tend to be slower in the industrialization. The policy / strategy of the government such as tax holidays and duty free for export oriented industries.

1.3 Development of Indonesia Manufacturing Sector
The development of the manufacturing industry in every country can also be used to see the development of national industry that State, since the world economic crisis in 1998, and threshing the national economy, the development of national industry in Indonesia has not shown satisfactory progress. even the development of national industry, especially the manufacturing industry, more often degenerated development compared to chart improvement.
A research conducted in 2006, by an international institution of the outlook for manufacturing industry in various countries melihatkan results are quite alarming from 60 countries who became the object of research, the position of manufacturing industry Indonesia is positioned on the bottom along with several countries Asia such as Vietnam, research that examines aspects of the competitiveness of Indonesian products manufacturing industry in the global market, put at the lowest position.

1.4 Problems Industrialization
Constraints for industrial growth in the country is dependent on imports of raw materials and components. The machines are already old is also an obstacle to increasing productivity and efficiency.
The problem - the problem has reduced the competitiveness of domestic industry. The Ministry of Industry has been identified. The response is made Enhancement Program Use of Domestic Products.

However, facts on the ground short of expectations. Central government regulations not in line with local government regulations. In fact, among the technical ministries not the policy itself - its own. In 2010-2014, the Ministry of Industry targets a 8.95 percent growth in non-oil industry and processing industry's contribution to gross domestic product 24.67 percent. 2010-2014 total investment targeted to reach Rp 735.9 trillion.To reach the target, the Ministry of Industry create a framework of national industrial development. The framework will be the reference for generating the industry to prepare for free trade and the ASEAN Economic Community.
To get ready for it all, according to Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Anton Supit, increased competitiveness is the key factor. Leadership, from the president, senior government officials who would wear domestic products also should not be overlooked.

1.5 Industrial Sector Development Strategy
National industrial development goals both medium and long term is intended to mengatasipermasalahan and weaknesses in both the industrial sector and to address national issues, namely:
(1) Increase the employment industry;
(2) Improve Indonesian export and empower the domestic market;
(3) Contribute significantly to the growth of the economy;
(4) Support the development of the infrastructure sector;
(5) Improve the ability of technology;
(6) Increase the deepening of industrial structure and product diversification
(7) Increase the industrial deployment.

Focused on these matters and to respond to the challenges above, the industrimanufaktur development policy geared to the challenges of globalization of the world economy and be able mengantisipasi.perkembangan environmental change very quickly. International competition is a new perspective for all developing countries, including Indonesia, so the focus of industrial development strategy for the future is to build the competitiveness of sustainable manufacturing industry in the international market.
To that end, the manufacturing industry development strategy forward with regard to the latest growing trend of thought today, is through the cluster approach in order to build the competitiveness of the industry collectively.
The manufacturing industry of the future is industries that have high competitiveness, which is based not only on the magnitude of the potential of Indonesia (comparative advantage), as broad span of territory, the large population and the availability of natural resources, but also by the ability or creativity and skill as well as the professionalism of Indonesian human resources (competitive advantage).
Wake up stacking the industrial sector is expected to be able to be the main driver of the national economy and become the backbone of the resilience of the national economy in the future. Priority industrial sectors were selected based on relevance and depth of strong structure and competitiveness and sustainable and resilient in the international market.
Industrial development is directed at strengthening the competitiveness, deepening the processing chain in the country as well as by encouraging the growth pattern of networking (networking) industry in the format of cluster that fit well in the group of priority industries of the future, namely: agro-industry, industry transportation, telematics industry, and strengthening the manufacturing base, as well as certain small-medium industries.
Having regard to national issues both at national and local levels in order to increase competitiveness, the development of national industry synergy with regional development is directed through two approaches. First, top-down approach that the planned industrial development (by design) with due regard to national priorities identified and followed by regional participation. Second, the bottom-up approach, namely through the establishment of core competencies that are the hallmarks area so competitive. In this approach the Ministry of Industry will participate actively in building and developing core competence areas. It is at once an effort to improve the welfare of people in the area, which in turn can reduce the levels of poverty and unemployment.


Waste PT Mitra Saruta Indonesia Gresik Threshold Exceeded

Waste PT Mitra Saruta Indonesia in Gresik Exceeding threshold. The results of the environmental monitoring of industrial liquid waste disposal by the Integrated Air Patrol Team East Java found a company that ensured waste exceeded the quality standard, namely PT Mitra Saruta Indonesia. From the results of lab tests for Integrated Water Patrol Team, waste textile factory located in Gresik Wringinanom proved to exceed quality standards.

For violations committed by the team asked Gresik regent to revoke IPLC (wastewater discharge permit). "A decree issued by the Regent of Gresik IPLC. The IPLC standards mentioned in the effluent quality standards. But, in fact exceed the quality standards and licenses should be revoked, "said Air Patrol Team Coordinator, Imam Rochani when met LICOM, Monday (04/02/2013).

He explained, from the quality standards that are written in IPLC Mitra Saruta, BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) a maximum of 50 mg / liter, COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) of 150 mg / liter, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) 50 mg / liter. However, the Imam said, from the test results of samples of waste by a team three times, all of them exceeded the quality standard.

Test samples of waste taken the team on September 27, 2012 from sewage outlet Mitra Saruta, known BOD reached 324.5 mg / liter, COD of 1600 mg / liter, and TSS reached 214 mg / liter. Of waste samples taken October 24, 2012 levels of effluent quality standard is still exceeded, the BOD reached 300,1mg / liter, COD 1425 mg / liter, and TSS reached 87 mg / liter.
A month later, continued the priest, the team re-took samples on 29 November 2012 results exceeded the standard quality back waste, the BOD reached 134 mg / liter, COD 1491 mg / liter, and TSS reached 116 mg / liter.
"With the test results of waste that exceeds the quality standards appropriate IPLC decree issued by Mr. Regent, then the license must be revoked," said the man who also served as Director of the Environmental Consortium.
From each sampling of waste by the team to be tested in the lab Perum Jasa Tirta (PJT) I, he said, always do filing an official report of environmental compliance monitoring by the Environment Agency (BLH) Java.
Of the three sampling times and three times the minutes, BLH Jatim explained violation points that must be corrected by the Mitra Saruta Indonesia. In fact, also described in that report suggestions and actions to be taken, but there is no significant effort made by PT Mitra Saruta Indonesia.
"When the results of the sample liquid waste are known to exceed the quality standards, we ask that the published SP (warning letter) of BLH Gresik. But until now no SP dikeluarjan. Whether intentional or not, if they (BLH Gresik) is not serious, "he said.
According to Imam, of SK IPLC numbered 660/29 / HK / 437.12 / 2012 on IPLC PT Mitra Saruta Indonesia, in dictum two points two described the license holder must to manage liquid waste so that the effluent is discharged into the environment does not exceed the quality standards of waste liquid has been determined.
Furthermore, said Imam, the fourth dictum described, the provisions referred dictum second if not complied with, the relevant license revoked and declared invalid. The IPLC Mitra Saruta valid for two years published May 25, 2012 and is valid until May 2014.
"If in the course of the validity of consent provision is violated, then we would expect there Gresik Regent's firmness could revoke licenses that have been issued," he said. (LI.COM/edtr:ang)


Waste is the negative impact of the developments of human life. One of the developments that most negatively impact is the development of the industry. Actually, the negative impact of such wastes can not be separated from our lives. But the risk of waste that can damage the environment can be reduced by means of waste management.

All kinds of waste both industrial waste and household waste containing pollutant compounds should ideally be treated before it is discharged. If more compounds pencemarnya the greater the damage that can be caused when directly discharged into the environment.

Generally wastes the potential to pollute the environment. But a sewage treatment must pass through a process that is not easy. Before processing, plans should be made in advance. Plans were made to the identification of sources of pollution, a function of the type of material, then be assigned an appropriate processing system.

Then, several factors must be considered such as the number and types of waste disposed. To determine the proper processing also needs to know the level of danger of waste substances. After estimates have been obtained, the program prevention and control of pollution can be made. Proper planning is needed.

The waste has the potential pollution in the long term and short term either in small amounts or large. To cope with environmental pollution, waste must be processed to the point where not interfere with safe environmental conditions.

The purpose of sewage treatment is to separate harmful substances and pollutants from the waste that is usually in the form of chemical compounds and non kimia are toxic and dangerous.
Each plant should have a self-contained sewage treatment in accordance with the waste produced by the plant. Some factories use the equipment and machinery that produce waste with levels that have been safe so no need to do the processing.

These factories use more modern equipment so that the waste generated has a high content potentially pollute the environment.


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